I’m a Pam Ward Fan – Stop the Cyberbullying

A friend of mine watched my Pam Ward video on Vimeo today. After watching it, she said “She’s so competent. She’s so interesting. Wow, she’s really talented.” I said, “Okay, now look her up on Google and see what you get.” Here is what she found after the Wikipedia post… ESPN Announces Fall Pairings: Pam Ward to be Paired with Charming Retriever or how about the Awful Announcing: Pam Ward Chronicles, a website that chronicles the foibles of all announcer regardless of gender but bears Pam’s name, or Pam Ward Continues Her Idiocy (You Tube actually terminated the person’s account.) Look on Facebook. There is a “like” page for Pam Ward Sucks, and as of right now 109 people like it. I have asked Facebook to take it down. Isn’t this Cyberbullying?

I guess I’ve got cyberbullying on my mind. Today at work I went into middle school classrooms and lectured on cyberbullying. The Internet is free speech at its finest. Unfortunately there is a lot of cruelty with free speech. Studies show that jealousy often motivates cyberbullying. Could it be that these guys are jealous that Pam Ward has a job they would LOVE TO HAVE? I would venture to say yes. Pam Ward is an inspiration to all women who have grown up around men’s sports their whole lives, yet been shut out of it at the same time. Please be nicer to her.


2 responses to “I’m a Pam Ward Fan – Stop the Cyberbullying”

  1. Anne Goodwin Avatar
    Anne Goodwin

    I agree. mom

  2. her gender matters not; she is horrible at her job

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